
时刻小站 168

1,consider doing sth 考虑做某事

I consider reading books now 我考虑现在读书

2,regard 。。。as =treat 。。。as 把。。。当作

I regard you as my friend 我把你当作我的朋友

I treat you as my friend 我把你当作我的朋友

3,check out 结账,检验, I must check it out 我必须检查一下

4,clear out 清除, Please clear out your rubbish 请清除你的垃圾

5,no longer 不再,I no longer play games =I no more play games 我不再打游戏=I don’t play games any more =I don’t play games any longer

6,part with 与。。分开,He parted with us at the end of class 他在下课后就和我们分开了

7,to be honest 实话实说,To be honest ,I like English very much 实话实说,我很喜欢英语

8,according to 根据 ,According to school rules,you have to wear your uniform 根据学校规定,你必须穿校服

9,among 之间(三者以上),between 之间(两者之间)

He is among us 他在我们中间

He is between 我们两个中间

10,How long 多久(时间长短),how soon 多久(将来时),how often 多久(频率)

How long can you watch TV ? Two hours 你能看电视多久?两个小时

How soon will you come back?In two weeks 你多久将会回来?两周后

How often do you watch TV ?Twice a week 你多久看电视?每周两次

11,buy 买,have (可以用在完成时)买

I bought it yesterday 我昨天买它的

I have had it for two weeks 我已经买它两周了

12,on one’s +序数词 +birthday 在某人。。。生日

On my fifth birthday ,I got a pen as a gift 在我五岁生日的时候,我得到了一支钢笔作为礼物

13,search 。。。for 搜寻

I search a shop for some food 我在一个商店里搜寻一些食物。

14,in the +序数词+century 在。。。世纪

In the twentieth century ,Everything was simpler than now 在二十世纪,一切都比现在简单

Especially (副词),特别,special 特别的,(形容词)

I have some special things 我有一些特别的东西

I like fruits ,especially pineapples 我喜欢水果,特别是菠萝

15,suggest doing 建议做。。。

I suggest reading books now 我建议现在读书



