
时刻小站 108

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Nature, 24 March 2022, VOL 603, ISSUE 7902



A time-resolved picture of our Milky Way’s early formation history


▲ 作者:Maosheng Xiang & Hans-Walter Rix

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研究组报道了使用亚巨星对该类样本的分析。他们发现恒星年龄-金属丰度分布p(τ,[Fe/H])分裂成两个几乎不相交的部分,在年龄τ≃ 80亿年处分离。较年轻部分反映了动态静止银盘形成的晚期阶段,有证据表明恒星径向轨道迁移;另一部分反映了恒星晕和旧α-过程增强(厚)盘形成的早期阶段。



▲ Abstract

The formation of our Milky Way can be split up qualitatively into different phases that resulted in its structurally different stellar populations: the halo and the disk components. Revealing a quantitative overall picture of our Galaxy’s assembly requires a large sample of stars with very precise ages. Here we report an analysis of such a sample using subgiant stars. We find that the stellar age–metallicity distribution p(τ, [Fe/H]) splits into two almost disjoint parts, separated at age τ8Gyr. The younger part reflects a late phase of dynamically quiescent Galactic disk formation with manifest evidence for stellar radial orbit migration; the other part reflects the earlier phase, when the stellar halo and the old α-process-enhanced (thick) disk formed. Our results indicate that the formation of the Galaxy’s old (thick) disk started approximately 13 Gyr ago, only 0.8Gyr after the Big Bang, and 2Gyr earlier than the final assembly of the inner Galactic halo. Most of these stars formed around 11Gyr ago, when the Gaia-Sausage-Enceladus satellite merged with our Galaxy. Over the next 5–6Gyr, the Galaxy experienced continuous chemical element enrichment, ultimately by a factor of 10, while the star-forming gas managed to stay well mixed.


Emergence of Fermi arcs due to magnetic splitting in an antiferromagnet


▲ 作者:Benjamin Schrunk, Yevhen Kushnirenko, Brinda Kuthanazhi, Junyeong Ahn, Lin-Lin Wang, Evan O’Leary, et al.

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▲ Abstract

The Fermi surface plays an important role in controlling the electronic, transport and thermodynamic properties of materials. As the Fermi surface consists of closed contours in the momentum space for well-defined energy bands, disconnected sections known as Fermi arcs can be signatures of unusual electronic states, such as a pseudogap. Another way to obtain Fermi arcs is to break either the time-reversal symmetry or the inversion symmetry of a three-dimensional Dirac semimetal, which results in formation of pairs of Weyl nodes that have opposite chirality, and their projections are connected by Fermi arcs at the bulk boundary. Here, we present experimental evidence that pairs of hole- and electron-like Fermi arcs emerge below the Neel temperature (TN) in the antiferromagnetic state of cubic NdBi due to a new magnetic splitting effect. The observed magnetic splitting is unusual, as it creates bands of opposing curvature, which change with temperature and follow the antiferromagnetic order parameter. This is different from previous theoretically considered and experimentally reported cases of magnetic splitting, such as traditional Zeeman and Rashba, in which the curvature of the bands is preserved. Therefore, our findings demonstrate a type of magnetic band splitting in the presence of a long-range antiferromagnetic order that is not readily explained by existing theoretical ideas.

材料科学Materials Science

Single fibre enables acoustic fabrics via nanometre-scale vibrations


▲ 作者:Wei Yan, Grace Noel, Gabriel Loke, Elizabeth Meiklejohn, Tural Khudiyev, Juliette Marion, et al.

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光纤灵敏度的关键是弹性聚合物包层,它将机械应力集中在压电复合材料层中,压电系数高达46 pC/N,这是一种热拉伸工艺的结果。



▲ Abstract

Fabrics, by virtue of their composition and structure, have traditionally been used as acoustic absorbers. Here, inspired by the auditory system, we introduce a fabric that operates as a sensitive audible microphone while retaining the traditional qualities of fabrics, such as machine washability and draping. The fabric medium is composed of high-Young’s modulus textile yarns in the weft of a cotton warp, converting tenuous10−7-atmosphere pressure waves at audible frequencies into lower-order mechanical vibration modes. Woven into the fabric is a thermally drawn composite piezoelectric fibre that conforms to the fabric and converts the mechanical vibrations into electrical signals. Key to the fibre sensitivity is an elastomeric cladding that concentrates the mechanical stress in a piezocomposite layer with a high piezoelectric charge coefficient of approximately 46 picocoulombs per newton, a result of the thermal drawing process. Concurrent measurements of electric output and spatial vibration patterns in response to audible acoustic excitation reveal that fabric vibrational modes with nanometre amplitude displacement are the source of the electrical output of the fibre. With the fibre subsuming less than 0.1% of the fabric by volume, a single fibre draw enables tens of square metres of fabric microphone. Three different applications exemplify the usefulness of this study: a woven shirt with dual acoustic fibres measures the precise direction of an acoustic impulse, bidirectional communications are established between two fabrics working as sound emitters and receivers, and a shirt auscultates cardiac sound signals.

High-brightness all-polymer stretchable LED with charge-trapping dilution


▲ 作者:Zhitao Zhang, Weichen Wang, Yuanwen Jiang, Yi-Xuan Wang, Yilei Wu, Jian-Cheng Lai, et al.

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▲ Abstract

Next-generation light-emitting displays on skin should be soft, stretchable and bright. Previously reported stretchable light-emitting devices were mostly based on inorganic nanomaterials, such as light-emitting capacitors, quantum dots or perovskites. They either require high operating voltage or have limited stretchability and brightness, resolution or robustness under strain. On the other hand, intrinsically stretchable polymer materials hold the promise of good strain tolerance. However, realizing high brightness remains a grand challenge for intrinsically stretchable light-emitting diodes. Here we report a material design strategy and fabrication processes to achieve stretchable all-polymer-based light-emitting diodes with high brightness (about 7,450 candela per square metre), current efficiency (about 5.3candela per ampere) and stretchability (about 100 per cent strain). We fabricate stretchable all-polymer light-emitting diodes coloured red, green and blue, achieving both on-skin wireless powering and real-time displaying of pulse signals. This work signifies a considerable advancement towards high-performance stretchable displays.

Metastable hexagonal close-packed palladium hydride in liquid cell TEM


▲ 作者:Jaeyoung Hong, Jee-Hwan Bae, Hyesung Jo, Hee-Young Park, Sehyun Lee, Sung Jun Hong, et al.

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▲ Abstract

Metastable phases—kinetically favoured structures—are ubiquitous in nature. Rather than forming thermodynamically stable ground-state structures, crystals grown from high-energy precursors often initially adopt metastable structures depending on the initial conditions, such as temperature, pressure or crystal size. As the crystals grow further, they typically undergo a series of transformations from metastable phases to lower-energy and ultimately energetically stable phases. Metastable phases sometimes exhibit superior physicochemical properties and, hence, the discovery and synthesis of new metastable phases are promising avenues for innovations in materials science. However, the search for metastable materials has mainly been heuristic, performed on the basis of experiences, intuition or even speculative predictions, namely ‘rules of thumb’. This limitation necessitates the advent of a new paradigm to discover new metastable phases based on rational design. Such a design rule is embodied in the discovery of a metastable hexagonal close-packed (hcp) palladium hydride (PdHx) synthesized in a liquid cell transmission electron microscope. The metastable hcp structure is stabilized through a unique interplay between the precursor concentrations in the solution: a sufficient supply of hydrogen (H) favours the hcp structure on the subnanometre scale, and an insufficient supply of Pd inhibits further growth and subsequent transition towards the thermodynamically stable face-centred cubic structure. These findings provide thermodynamic insights into metastability engineering strategies that can be deployed to discover new metastable phases.

地球科学Earth Science

Geophysical imaging of the Yellowstone hydrothermal plumbing system


▲ 作者:Carol A. Finn, Paul A. Bedrosian, W. Steven Holbrook, Esben Auken, Benjamin R. Bloss & Jade Crosbie

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▲ Abstract

The nature of Yellowstone National Park’s plumbing system linking deep thermal fluids to its legendary thermal features is virtually unknown. The prevailing concepts of Yellowstone hydrology and chemistry are that fluids reside in reservoirs with unknown geometries, flow laterally from distal sources and emerge at the edges of lava flows. Here we present a high-resolution synoptic view of pathways of the Yellowstone hydrothermal system derived from electrical resistivity and magnetic susceptibility models of airborne geophysical data. Groundwater and thermal fluids containing appreciable total dissolved solids significantly reduce resistivities of porous volcanic rocks and are differentiated by their resistivity signatures. Clay sequences mapped in thermal areas and boreholes typically form at depths of less than 1,000 metres over fault-controlled thermal fluid and/or gas conduits. We show that most thermal features are located above high-flux conduits along buried faults capped with clay that has low resistivity and low susceptibility. Shallow subhorizontal pathways feed groundwater into basins that mixes with thermal fluids from vertical conduits. These mixed fluids emerge at the surface, controlled by surficial permeability, and flow outwards along deeper brecciated layers. These outflows, continuing between the geyser basins, mix with local groundwater and thermal fluids to produce the observed geochemical signatures. Our high-fidelity images inform geochemical and groundwater models for hydrothermal systems worldwide.



