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Temptech wine cabinet


Discover the best of your wine.


With a wine cabinet you can store your wine collection in the correct way and you will always have the right tempered wine to serve!


Temptech is the Nordic region’s largest producer andsupplier of wine cabinets. Our wine cabinets meet thehighest demands on design and technology and ensures an optimal environment for wine storage. It is not withoutreason that well-known restaurants, wine bars, wineimporters and wine connoisseurs choose our wine cabinets.


The wine cabinets have low noise and low vibration thatdoes not impair the quality of the wine. Temptech has a wide range of wine cabinets with over 50different models of various dimensions, capacities and pricerangers, for private or professional use. We havewine cabinets that meets all needs and wishes!


For the love of wine!


A properly tempered and preserved wine will give the wine a better taste and can even bring a better wine experience.


At the same time, proper storage will provide better durability for the wine. The correct serving temperature relative to the wine type, grape and matureness of the wine is important. Store your wine bottles in a wine cabinet, and you ensure that you have the optimal environment for your wine collection.


Cooling technology


Our wine cabinets use compressor or thermoelectric cooling technology. With a compressor, the wine cabinet is cooled in the same way as a regular refrigerator. A compressor will produce some noise and vibration. To protect the wine against vibration we have developed special bumbers that absorb nearly all vibration made by the compressor.


Our smaller, stand-alone wine cabinet uses thermoelectric cooling where the temperature in the wine cabinet is electronically adjusted. A fan inside the wine will circulate

the cool air. To achieve the desired temperature in the thermoelectric wine cabinets it is important that the wine cabinet is place freestanding with good ventilation and placed in a room with normal room temperature between 20 and 25°C.


Temperature zones and settings


For storage of ready-to-serve white wine, it is recommended to set the temperature at 6°C, for red wine 14°C. For long-term storage of wine, the recommended temperature is 12°C, which will be optimal for all types of wine.


How large wine cabinet is needed?


Wine collections tends to have an amazing way of growing, and fast!

When buying a wine cabinet, if space and budget allows, its recommended to get one that has 25-50% more capacity than the size of your current wine collection.



Bottle capacity - how many bottles will fit?


Wine bottles come in many different sizes and shapes. Therefore, there is used a standard bottle dimension (75CL Bordeaux bottle) to indicate the bottle capacity of the wine cabinet. Normally, a wine collection contains bottles of various sizes and shapes.

酒瓶尺寸不一,形状各异。所以,酒柜以标准酒瓶尺寸(75CL 波尔多葡萄酒瓶)为参照,对酒瓶容量进行界定。一般而言,葡萄酒藏品尺寸不同,酒瓶形状更是千差万别。

Correct humidity


Proper humidity is as important as the correct temperature when storing wine. Too dry air will make the cork dry out and too moisture air will damage the labels and can cause the cork to rot. Proper humidity should be at 50-70 %, which all Temptech wine cabinets handles.

在储藏葡萄酒的过程中,恰到好处的湿度,比肩准确无误的温度,同等重要。过于干燥的空气会吸走软木塞的湿气,而过于潮湿的空气,又会侵蚀标签,并让软木塞烂其于身。故,恰到好处的湿度为50-70%,于此,Temptec 打造的所有酒柜,均能对诸此湿度范围,做到精准掌控,游刃有余。

What about the sound level?


The wine cabinet will make some sound from the compressor and the fan inside. Our wine cabinets has a sound level from 38-40 dBa.


Not only wine bottles!


A wine cabinet is also the perfect place to store wine on bag-in-box, just take out the plastic bag from the box and place it in the wine cabinet. Wine cabinets are also perfect for storing cigars, chocolate, gin and other spirits.


The 5 golden rules


Follow these rules to ensure that you store your wine collection at the best possible conditions!


How to store wine correctly


A properly tempered and preserved wine will give the wine a better tasteand can even bring a better wine experience. At the same time,proper storage will provide better durability for the wine.


Wine is a living product, evolving over time. For optimal and accurate storage, there are five golden rulesthat are important to follow.



1. Correct and constant temperature

1. 精准恒温

It is important not to store the wine too warm or too cold. In general, all wines can be stored at around 10-12°C.


2. Humidity

2. 湿度合宜

In order for the wine cork not to dry in and to begin to leak in air (which can ruin the wine) it is important with a proper humidity. Proper humidity should be at 50-70 %, which all Temptech wine cabinets has.

葡萄酒软木塞过干势必会为空气的渗漏创造可乘之机(这会影响葡萄酒的口感),有鉴于此,把控恰到好处的湿度,这尤其关键。最佳湿度为50-70%,这当然也是所有Temptech 酒柜都能掌控的湿度。

3. Protection against light and UV-rays

3. 防光与防紫外线

Wine is sensitive to light which can make the ripening process of the wine accelerate. Sunlight also contains UV-rays that may be harmful to the wine. Most of our wine cabinets are equipped with protective, UV filter on the glass door. The interior LED lighting does not emit any heat either.

葡萄酒对光线异常敏感,光会加速葡萄酒的熟化进程。阳光也裹挟着紫外线,而紫外线亦将影响葡萄酒的品质。我们打造的绝大部分酒柜,均配备有紫外线保护过滤器,或加装了玻璃门。如此一来,酒柜里的LED 灯便难以释放出热量。

4. Protection against odor

4. 气味隔离

Odor may penetrate the cork and deteriorate the quality of the wine. Odor can come from wooden shelves used in the wine cabinet. We only use untreated, wooden shelves that do not give off any odor. In addition, our wine cabinets are equipped with an active coal filter that cleanses the

smell of the air in the wine cabinet.


5. Low vibration

5. 低频震动

Vibration over time will be harmful and affect the development of the wine. Vibration can occur from the compressor and spread out to the bottles via the shelves in the wine cabinet. Our specially designed vibration bumpers significantly reduces the vibration from the compressor.


Ideal serving temperature


The correct temperature of the wine you serve is essential for anoptimal taste experience. Very often red wines are serveda few degrees to warm and white wines too cold. A too warmor too cold wine will lose its flavours and palette.







