
时刻小站 231

1.Hope the goodsreach yousafely. And youare pleased withthem.


2.Kindlyfind an illustrated catalog as attached.Itcoversthe latest designs which are now available from stock.


3.Pleasefavor us witha prompt reply. Welook forward to working withyouonthis project. 等待你的尽快回复,我们期待与您合作。

4.Isee/get what you meanandappreciate your concern.我了解你说的,也明白你的顾虑。

5.Awaitingyour feedback onall the above, weremain at your full disposalfor any further information. 期待你对上面列述细节的进一步反馈。我们随时为你提供更多的资料。

6.Please advisein order to proceed further. 请告知,以便我们进一步进展。

7.Please advisewhere we are withthis project. 请告知现在这个项目的进展。

8.Iwonder ifyou have found that our specificationsmeet your requirements.Were surethe prices wesubmittedare competitive. 不知道您认为我们的规格是否符合你的要求?我敢肯定我们的价格是非常有竞争力的。

9.Any commentsby returnwillbe much appreciated.


10.I will check andrevertsoon. 我查下,尽快反馈给你。

11.Please advise and Iam available forfurther discussion on WhatsApp. 请告知。我们可以在WhatsApp进一步讨论。

12.Any inquiry or requirements from you willget our prompt attention.如有需求请告知我们,我们一定及时回复您。

13.Welldo the needfulaccordingly. 我们会相应地做好该做的事情。

14.There are a few issues we want toput on top of the agendato finalizeat your earliest.有一些事情我们需要提上议程,在您方便的时候一一落实

15.We hope you find the goodsin good orderandlook forward to hearing ofthe further feedback from you. 我们希望货物情况良好,并期待收到您的进一步反馈。

16.In either case,it would be wonderful tohear fromyou. 无论如何,我们很期待您的回音

17.We willkeep you updated time to timeabout the status. 我们会不时跟进进展给你。

18.Please helpupdatethe statuson the order. 请麻烦更新下订单进展情况。

19.Much appreciatedif you canoffer openlywith any feedback.如能告知反馈,感激不尽。



